

French doors hide holy whores
clammy hands hold pastel pearls
princess phone,
but prince ain’t home
curdled cries in the cream
tears in the milk
a two-faced bouillabaise
ladled on a crushed kerchief

Catcalls at the dance hall
back buried in the wall
like a page-pressed petal
waiting for a wave
the hand grazed twelve
like a watch wound with wind
sent away in a hansom
too ripe for a ransom

tickled white to red
wet grape on the gums
her eyes sin come up quick
like a lantern swelled and pricked
spilt oblivion on the road
too slick to keep steady
careening and caroming
like passed-off partners
exchanging this world for another.

Gone back to Cali.

Some photos from the recent journey.

1. Still Life Without Woodpecker

2. T & A (Tyrrell & Alice) for brunch.

3. Good to see you too, Frank.

4. A Moment of Sobriety

5. Congrats to Marcin for appearing in the GAYEST picture of all time. Again.